It’s a scientifically proven fact that our bodies are in vital need of 24 vitamins and minerals. This list of highly essential organic compounds containing carbon molecules (vitamins) and elements on the periodic table (minerals) is vital to life and can be consumed through either foods or supplements.
This might seem like common sense, right? After all, we learn to eat our fruit and veggies from a very young age. Still, somehow, we find it difficult to meet the nutritional goals that are set up by scientists, dietitians and our governments food-associations.
Recent research shows that nearly one-third of the US population above the age of 9 years old is vulnerable to micronutrient malnutrition. Malnutrition? Yes, you read it right. While at the same time almost 40% of US adults are considered obese, we face a serious problem of undernourishment when it comes to the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function properly. But how do you end up with a micronutrient deficiency, and when are you at risk?
Next to people who have undergone bariatric surgery or those who suffer from certain diseases such as Crohn’s or Celiac and have a risk of nutrients being poorly absorbed, most nutrient deficiencies are simply caused by poor diets. Inadequate dietary intake can, in extreme terms, mean a given person lives of junk food only and therefore doesn’t meet up to his/her micronutrient goals. But, most of the time it ‘just’ means an imbalanced diet and/or ignorance.
According to this source, people with so-called ‘restrictive’ diets often have trouble meeting their bodies nutritional requirements. Avoidance of – for example – (some) animal products when sticking to a vegetarian or vegan diet, makes it harder to get enough of your needed vitamin D, B12, Calcium and Omega 3 fatty acids. Hard does not mean impossible, but still: you need to spend time doing research. And most of all: you need to want to do the research.
Next to a threat of micronutrient malnutrition, an imbalance in macronutrients in western diets causes us to face serious health problems like obesity, heart- and vascular disease, type two diabetes and certain types of cancer. To fight these problems, our diets have to shift. But, as economic developments led to changes in lifestyles and we have busy lives: we want our food to be quick and easy, exactly the meals that are often not that healthy.
This exactly is what the concept of complete food is trying to fix. Queal (a portmanteau of quick & meal) was born out of the frustration we couldn’t get a meal that was both easy and healthy. Our shakes and bars all have a healthy ratio of macronutrients and either 1/3rd or 1/5th of your daily recommended dose of essential vitamins and minerals and take you 30 seconds or less to prepare. So, no matter your lifestyle, you will always be certain to meet your nutritional goals and fight possible micronutrient malnourishment.
(Queal Steady is available in both a vegetarian as vegan version, our Go bars are both vegetarian.)
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